Can Aloe Vera Be Used as a Cleanser?

Recently I wrote a post about the value of using an aloe vera facial serum for its hydrating benefits. But what else can you use aloe vera for? Does aloe vera function as a facial cleanser?

According to a poll by the New York Post, the average person tries about seven different cleansers before choosing one that works well for their skin.

That’s a lot of trial-and-error! Finding a cleanser you really like is difficult, which leads to some major spending. You probably know the feeling. You don’t know what works, so you order several different cleansers at the same time and just hope one of them is the cleanser you’ve been looking for. It’s no surprise that in 2021, “facial cleansers were the most profitable segment of the U.S. skincare market.”

Since facial cleansers are failing to satisfy skincare needs, people are looking for natural alternatives. As usual, aloe vera has made its way to the top of the list.

Although aloe vera is mostly known for its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties, aloe does function as a mild antiseptic. Its cleansing properties could make it a cheaper and healthier option to commercial cleansers. But to be sure, we’ll need to look at how cleansers work and how aloe vera’s cleansing properties function.


How Do Facial Cleansers Work?

As you know, oil and water don’t mix well. That’s why you can’t just ‘rinse off’ grease or oily substances. The oil will repel the water instead of dissolving.

So, like any type of soap, a facial cleanser works by isolating oils so they can be rinsed off, along with any dirt, makeup, or other residue.

diagram of soap isolating oil

This is my very very simple diagram of how soap works. It’s a little more complicated than this, but hopefully you get the idea!

As an article from The Wall Street Journal explains, “Most cleansing products have a surfactant, a chemical or natural compound that helps break through the surface tension of the skin. The cleanser absorbs dirt and oil and removes them during rinsing.”

Additionally, facial cleansers sometimes contain exfoliates or other ingredients to help enhance the cleansing action. Exfoliates can help stimulate circulation, unclog and minimize pores, and clear away dead skin cells.

Despite the benefits of using a facial cleanser, many cleansers are very drying your the skin, especially if they contain exfoliates. To help balance out the drying, many cleansers now contain oils in them to help keep the skin hydrated. Sounds counterintuitive, right? But many oils are better at breaking down makeup too, so including them in the cleanser formula has multiple benefits.


Cleansing Properties of Aloe Vera

So, where does aloe vera factor into all of this?

About 3% of aloe vera gel is made up of saponins. Unless you know what saponins are, this information probably doesn’t mean much to you. But it is important because saponins are soap-like compounds that function as natural cleansers.

According to an article in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, “Saponins are detergent-like substances showing antibacterial as well as anticancer potential.”

Saponins foam up in water, creating a consistency similar to that of a foaming cleanser. Due to their soapy consistency and natural antibacterial properties, saponins are often used in shampoos and other skincare and haircare products. So it turns out that aloe vera does have a built-in natural cleanser.


Does Aloe Vera Work as a Facial Cleanser?

It’s true that aloe vera contains antibacterial saponins that give it cleansing properties. But…by itself, aloe lacks the properties that a good facial cleanser should have.

While saponins may be an antiseptic, they don’t do much to remove dirt, oil, or makeup. Aloe is a fantastic moisturizer. So, instead of isolating oils so that they can be washed off, aloe vera sinks into the skin very quickly. Aloe is also very soft and does not work as an exfoliator.

Overall, aloe vera doesn’t do much good as a facial cleanser.

But…don’t stop reading yet. Because even though aloe vera makes a very poor cleanser, it’s a great ingredient to include in a facial cleanser.

Remember how I said facial cleansers tend to be drying? And aloe vera is a moisturizer? It’s practically a match made in heaven.

There are many facial cleansers that include aloe vera as an ingredient. You can also make your own aloe vera facial cleanser using fresh aloe gel, castile soap or another soap of your preference, and essential oils. With some trial-and-error, you can say goodbye to commercial products and blend your own facial cleanser formula.

Cassandra Sigmon

Cassandra Sigmon is a freelance SEO content writer and copywriter for small businesses and niche websites. If you need awesome content for your website, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Whenever she’s not writing, she’s usually out on a road trip, hiking in the mountains, or buried in pages of keyword research.

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